T. Brown Group is an equal opportunity employer, committed to creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace. We believe that a diverse and inclusive environment enhances our ability to attract and retain talented employees, leads to more creative and innovative thinking and ultimately results in a better service for our customers.
It is therefore our aim that all people should have equal chance and opportunity in life. This means that the company’s policy is to ensure that all employment policies, procedures and practices provide fair and equal treatment for all. No employee or applicant for employment will be treated less favourably than any other person or group on the grounds of:
The policy covers all T Brown Group employees and applicants for employment. It applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, promotion, compensation, benefits, training and renumeration. The term “employee” refers to an individual who has entered into, or works under a contract of employment with the Company.
Policy Aims:
The aim of this policy is to support the company in ensuring that all our employees are treated in a fair and inclusive manner in line with our values, employment legislation and are not subjected to prejudicial practice as a result of company activities.
Equality and Diversity Legislation:
The company. employees, contractors and agencies working for T Brown Group will be expected to work in accordance with the principles of equal opportunities and diversity and properly discharge their responsibilities in accordance with:
Definitions of Discrimination:
T Brown Group is committed to take positive action to eliminate all forms of discrimination to provide genuine equality of opportunity. Our policy and practice will be continually and regularly monitored by the Directors and senior managers to ensure its effectiveness.
Employment Practices:
The company will actively promote equal opportunity throughout the application of employment policies which will ensure that individuals are recruited, selected and promoted and receive treatment which is fair, equitable and consistent with their relevant aptitudes, experience, potential, skills and abilities. No applicant or employee will be placed at a disadvantage by requirements or conditions which are not necessary to the performance of the job, or which constitute indirect unfair discrimination.
All contractual service employment conditions will be reviewed to ensure they do not discriminate against any particular group and do provide for the varying needs of the entire work force.
Recruitment, Selection & Promotion:
T Brown Group will use fair equal opportunities practices and will monitor them to provide a positive environment within which employees can use and develop their abilities to the full benefit of the organisation & themselves.
The benefits we are looking to achieve are in recruiting staff from a wider net so that all sectors of the community have an opportunity to apply for vacancies and this we trust will improve our chances of attracting the best candidates first time. We hope to retain staff by enhancing morale and prospects, which can lead to a lower level of absenteeism and staff turnover.
The benefits for the business will come from a more positive image as an equal opportunities employer and this will promote business growth. The company uses open recruitment methods to assist in our implementation via local and national press advertisements, local colleges and job centres.
The company has publicised its policy by placing it on the staff notice boards advising of the policy during interview and to staff upon placement. We also use the equal opportunities statement in our advertising and other marketing material.
The company will provide suitable and relevant equal opportunity training to staff. The company will provide positive action to promote training for those who require it to enable them to enter areas of employment where they are under-represented.
Raising a Concern:
If an employee has a concern or complaint about discrimination, which could be something that they have experienced or witnessed, they should raise this with their line manager in the first instance, unless the matter relates directly to their manager, in which case the next level of management should be approached.
Employees may also wish to seek advice from the company HR Representative or the Employee Assistance Programme. Any concerns should be raised at the earliest opportunity, which will be kept confidential
The company is committed to an efficient and confidential monitoring system to ensure effective implementation of all the company’s procedures and its Equal Opportunities Policy.
The policy will be reviewed on a company and a specific project or area basis and part of the review will be to monitor the job applicants and the various groups that they come from to see if we are attracting all the possible candidates from an area.
The company has records of the different ethnic groups currently employed and will use this information to identify under-representation and corrective action plans.
The Group Managing Director is responsible for implementing and monitoring the operational effectiveness of the policy. It is the duty of each manager and individual employee to actively promote equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion within their own sphere of responsibility.
Every possible step will be taken to ensure that individuals are treated equally and fairly and that decisions on recruitment, selection, training, promotion and career management are based solely on objective and job related criteria.
Senior managers fully support this policy statement. All employees are responsible for playing their part in achieving its objectives.
DATE: 1 MAY 2023